Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Maternal Health - Working Hand in Hand With Medical Aid Schemes

Maternal care can be convoluted, expensive and at times, tough. With the rise in costs for private health care, the stress of becoming a new parent can be daunting. With heavy emphasis placed on ante and postnatal care, the pressure is on to keep your body as healthy as possible sirtfood diyeti. A new parent's saving grace is an affordable medical aid system that offers various types of cover ranging from fully comprehensive plans to basic cover and hospital plans.

Antenatal Care

The journey to parenthood begins with a scheduled doctor's appointment where it is important to ask that a complete health review is conducted. Ask your doctor to peruse your current medication, to test for any sexually transmitted infections and to make sure that your immunizations are up to date. Pregnancy takes a toll on the body and can rapidly deplete nutrients and cause hormone imbalances. It is important to pick up on any deficiencies, infections or chronic health issues that could potentially affect your baby. From this point, regular check-ups are very important and will help keep you and your baby healthy. From 2D scans to specialist consultations, as a member of a respected medical aid program, these regular appointments are one less thing to worry about.

Suggested visits are as follows:

· Once per month from week four to 28;

· Twice a month from week 28 to 36;

· Weekly from week 36 to delivery.

Delivery and Postnatal Care

There is a lot to consider when preparing for the big day. Choosing between a natural or caesarean delivery should be easy when you have a number of options to choose from. It is also important to ensure that your medical aid covers the necessary vaccinations and tests from birth to 18 months. As a medical aid member, you are able to choose from a wide selection of top private hospitals that offer the best possible maternity care. As a new mom, your biggest concern will be the aftercare and comfort of your new-born baby; however, you need to be in the best possible health to ensure that you can look after your child. With breastfeeding and caring for the baby, your own health falls at the wayside. It is important to remember that regular tests should be done to pick up exactly which nutrients are needed to balance out and replete what has been lost.

The anxiety of becoming a parent can be incredibly overwhelming. Surround yourself with support - from your friends and family to doctors and health care professionals. Engage with people who understand your concerns and who can meet your needs. Joining a medical scheme means guaranteed access to the best possible medical care for you and your dependants. 

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