Thursday, 23 June 2022

Options for Fort Lauderdale Bootcamps

 What vision comes to your mind when you hear the term bootcamp? Is it a drill sergeant yelling unmercifully at an army recruit with a shaved head? Or, is a group of men with mud on their faces crawling on the ground with guns in their hands? Whatever the image may be, chances are they are all associated with the military. It is in the military where the term bootcamp originated. It is also where the term derived its negative connotation as a place for discipline and emotional abuse. These things are enough to want to scare anyone from ever wanting to attend anything with "bootcamp" attached to it, right? But, all that has changed and you may want to check out a Fort Lauderdale bootcamp as a host of options exist.

Recently, bootcamps have been springing up around Fort Lauderdale especially along A1A, a highway which runs parallel to the beach. One of the bootcamps which has been a fixture for many years is called the Beach Bootcamp luxury nails fort lauderdale. This camp is sponsored by a retired army colonel named Bob Weinstein. Mr. Weinstein pushes his MOVE Program to help participants change their habits to become more fit. The camp meets near the Mariott Harbor Beach Resort and Spa which is located off A1A betweenn17th Street and Las Olas Boulevard. You'll need to bring a towel and if it rains don't worry bootcamp will still be outdoors. Colonel Bob as he is called believes the showers experienced in Fort Lauderdale are brief therefore it is no need to cancel fitness classes. Beach parking can sometimes be a hassle during the spring and summer months along A1A but Beach Bootcamp participants are able to park in the Marriott Harbor Beach's parking garage for free! What could be better than parking for free and getting in great shape?

If you're located in South Broward and continue your journey up A1A you'll eventually land in Hollywood Florida which is famous for Hollywood Beach. This beach is a popular tourist attraction because it has a boardwalk and several restaurants. It is a busy spot and on weekend days it can be quite crowded especially if Josh's Organics is opened. This open air market attracts many fitness enthusiasts who want to eat organic fruit and vegetables. The Hollywood Boardwalk is a prime location for many things including bootcamps. Ali's Bootcamp is hosted near the Hollywood Beach Marriott right on the beach. Ali believes in strength training as well as running to condition the body. The camps are conducted in a military fashion but it is challenging and fun and produces results. Beach bootcamps are great but what if you don't like the sand and sun?

In a whisk of the accelerator peddle on the car, you can venture from the beach to Davie Florida. Phat Body Bootcamp located on Griffin Road and State Road 7, is only one of two bootcamps in Broward County for women only. The camp is located inside the Feathers Ballroom Studio which is a 6500 square foot facility with central air for those hot South Florida days. The workouts are conducted with women in mind and address problem areas such as arms, hips, and buttocks. Classes consist of strength training and cardio and the methods used for attaining results are based on truth. If you've never attended a Fort Lauderdale Bootcamp, options exist right now for you to try which make it easier to stick with your fitness program.

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